How fast is the 2019 Mercedes-Benz CLA Coupe?

So how fast is the 2019 Mercedes-Benz CLA Coupe, really? Let’s check out the specs of this vehicle to see what the performance of the CLA is.

Engine specs and performance

2019 CLA 250 CLA 250 4MATIC®* AMG® CLA 45 Coupe
208 horsepower 208 horsepower 375 horsepower
258 lb.-ft. torque 258 lb.-ft. torque 350 lb.-ft. torque
0-60 mph in 6.9 seconds 0-60 mph in 6.8 seconds 0-60 mph in 4.1 seconds
Top speed 130 mph Top speed 130 mph Top speed 155 mph

As you can see, the 2019 CLA is pretty fast, even in the base trim. If you are looking for the 2019 CLA 250 and CLA 250 4MATIC®*, you’ll have a top speed of 130 miles per hour. The base trim, or the CLA 250, can go from 0 to 60 mph in 6.9 seconds. If you go up one trim and get the 250 4MATIC®* then you’ll accelerate .1 seconds faster than the CLA 250. Both of these vehicles have 208 horsepower and 258 lb.-ft. of torque.

If you are interested in the AMG® CLA 45 Coupe, you’ll have a vehicle more powerful and faster than the previous 2 trims. With its 375 horsepower and 350 lb.-ft. of torque, you’ll go from 0 to 60 mph in 4.1 seconds and have a top speed of 155 mph.

Of course, these aren’t the only positive aspects of the 2019 CLA Coupe. Don’t forget to check out the other features you can get on this vehicle!

Read More: Which 2019 Mercedes-Benz coupe, cabriolet, or sedan model is right for you?

Where can I find the 2019 Mercedes-Benz CLA Coupe?

If you are looking for your 2019 Mercedes-Benz CLA Coupe then contact us here at Mercedes-Benz of Scottsdale! You can ask us any questions you may have about this vehicle and any other Mercedes-Benz vehicles that have caught your attention. Or if you aren’t quite ready to take that step then be sure to check out our blog! We love sharing our research about not only this vehicle, but also other 2019 Mercedes-Benz vehicles as well.

*Best performance on snow and ice obtained with winter tires. Please always drive carefully, consistent with road conditions.